6 social media tips to help small businesses succeed


A typical problem faced by small businesses, when it comes to social networking, is posting content without understanding its efficacy.

Most of these businesses don’t know about Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics or other similar tools. They stop at posting content that they think others will like, without even realizing that no one had a chance to read it. Furthermore, they don’t have the ability to create multimedia content, in most cases, they simply don’t know where to start.

So here are 6 important social media tips that every small business should know before embarking on the social media journey.

1. Pick the network that’s right for you.

There are many social media networks out there, you don’t necessarily need to be present on each one. When you’re starting out on the social media journey, do a little research, ask your clients which networks they prefer or use the most. You can do this investigation online (on social media) or offline, when you are face to face with your clients.

In the event that you already have active social network accounts, check out their efficiency comparing the size of your audience against the engagement rates of each platform. Ultimately select the network most suitable for you, the one that’s worth your efforts.

Another way to identify your target is to survey your competitors: take a look at what type of content they post, how frequently and on which networks. Analyze which solutions work for them, and employ those solutions in your social media strategy.

Key concept
Abandon some social networks without remorse, and focus your efforts on the priority areas for your social media marketing. Don’t feel ready to make a video? Stay away from YouTube. Don’t feel like you have the time to start writing a blog? Then leave it to the wayside a focus your efforts on one or two social media networks that you feel comfortable with.


2. Simplify content creation

Bad news: creating multimedia content takes time. The good news is that it takes less time when you have the right tools to make it. Today’s personal devices provide a wide array of options which can equip you to take on the work of a digital agency specializing in web marketing. For example, video and pictures can be taken with any smartphone, and edited with applications like Canva or VSCO on mobile devices.
Once you have created content, plan out a posting schedule by time and date, this way you can use your time wisely. There are after all many tools available to help with scheduling posts to your social media accounts like Buffer, Spidwit or SEMrush Social Media tool.

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Key Concept
Optimize your creation and publishing process with the right tools. Compose and schedule 80% of your posts in advance and put 20% aside for direct communication with users on the social media networks you use.


3. Communicate with the online audience

Small businesses are used to interacting with clients face to face, most entrepreneurs are pretty good at doing this. Online clients aren’t all that different.
People will talk about your brand everyday on social networks, and in most cases, there are 2 possible outcomes; they appreciate your business and thank you, or they recount their disillusion and cry foul.
Either way, you have to manage both positive and negative comments, and there are two ways to handle this: the old fashion (and free) way is to check every comment that mentions your brand; the more advanced alternative is to use a monitoring service for social media like Social Mention or SEMrush Brand Monitoring.

Key Concept
In the real world you communicate with your clients face to face, in the world of social media you use the @ symbol. Keep an eye on your social media pages and interact with the audience. Always answer questions and supply requested information, never forget to thank them, same as you would any customer.


4. Constantly involve the audience

When you begin you social media adventure, try out some ‘experiments’ and see if they work.
Try different formats, post videos, 360-degree photos and live streaming. Get creative and take pictures of your product in different contexts. Capture your product with a client, next to a competitor’s, or in the company of cute animals like fuzzy kittens. Post content that’s fun or adorable, or any kid that will stimulate and involve your followers.
It doesn’t matter what you sell, the best thing about social media is that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Test your strategies, and gauge your results by analyzing your engagement data. Test out this idea, tell your company’s story on social media, then post a picture of your product.

Key concept
Test, experiment and gauge different types of content. Find out how your audience reacts and try again. Social media for small businesses revolves around experimenting.

Consider reading: How to Find High Quality Content for Social Media


5. Integrate online and offline

Working offline confines you to a local market, working online opens you up to the world at large. Use your real-world experience and integrate your SME marketing in the digital sphere.

Start advertising discounts and promotional offers on social media. Create a unique hashtag for your brand or product and an additional hashtag for marketing campaigns. Don’t forget to use common hashtags like “discount”, “sale”, “special offer”. People actually see hashtags on social media, and can find your business, purchase your product post pictures of the products they buy and use.

Key concept
Integrate online and offline marketing by using the right hashtags. Promote offline events on the web, use social media outlets as marketing channels and continuously try out new formats for product promotion.


6. Measure your performance

A fundamental part to social media use is to keep constant track of your performance data. This means measuring all data and concentrating your efforts in the right direction. Each social network avails itself of its own type of integrated analysis tool, there are 2 important metrics to pay attention to: the level of interaction (engagement) and the scope of your viewers (audience).
Engagement data in particular indicates how your users react to the contents you post. On a YouTube channel you will also want to pay attention to the data relevant to downvotes.

Key Concept
Analyze your performance on each social media network. To better understand your audiences’ behaviour, pay attention to images with very high and very low engagement in your data.

Do you know any other helpful social media tips for SMEs seeking to improve their social and multimedia presence across digital networks? Please share your opinion in the comments.


Autore: Spidwit Blog Editor

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